Ethiopia - Yirgacheffe Aricha
Ethiopia - Yirgacheffe Aricha
Origin: Ethiopia
Region: Yirgacheffe Aricha
Process: Washed
Certification: Direct Trade
We taste: Caramel, Blueberry, Tropical Fruits, Bright, Complex
Recommended Extraction: Manual Brew
Roast Level - Light
Nearly 1000 smallholder family farmers surrounding the Aricha village deliver freshly picked coffee cherries to the nearby Adorsi washing station in the Yirgacheffe district located in the Gedeo zone. Yirgacheffe is often recognized for the extremely high-quality coffees being grown in the rich and fertile district, and this washed coffee is no exception. With elevations exceeding 2100 meters above sea level, the coffee grown in Aricha provides a bright and complex cup with a myriad of floral notes, fresh matcha, caramel, subtle spice and a juicy flavor that coats the tongue.