Guatemala Finca La Pia

from $19.00

Origin: Guatemala
Region: La Joya Larga, Palencia, Fraijanes Plateau Region, Guatemala
Farm: Finca La Pia
Farmer/Grower: Victor Calderon
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1700-1800 m.a.s.l.

Our latest offering from Guatemala comes from Don Victor of Finca La Pia. Don Victor Calderon is the owner of Finca La Pia and implements a variety of very interesting cultivation techniques. Along similar lines of thought to “dry farms” or “natural wines” in the wine industry, Don Victor believes that the coffee plants should receive as little input as possible and uses only natural or organic methods to manage the plant health. Unlike many coffee farms around the world, Don Victor does not feed trees with fertilizers and instead uses a California red worm compost, manure and nitrogen fixating plants to keep the soil healthy. To manage the coffee leaf rust, “la roya”, Victor does not use typical sprays but instead applies bentonite clay, which is found naturally in the soil on the farm, on to the coffee leaves. This practice, combined with the organic plant nutrition management yields highly resistant coffee trees with great quality potential!

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